Saturday, October 27, 2012

What's my experience?

My experience in Christian Camping? 

Some of you are probably wondering why in the world I am writing a blog about Christian camping? I mean, it's not like it's this huge trend that everyone is dying to be a part of or anything. Some of you have probably never even heard of Christian camps. In this post, I'd like to share with you all my passion for Christian camping. First, let's start out by talking about how I was introduced to the Christian camp scene.

How I became a huge fan

When I was in middle school and high school, my youth group took a group of teens and adult sponsors down to a Christian summer camp in North Carolina. Every time I went to camp with my youth group I had the time of my life. Also, God would use those weeks to convict me of sin in my life and help me get on the right track with Him. I do not know where I would be spiritually without those weeks of camp. Ever since those days, I have decided that I want to be a part of that kind of ministry for the rest of my life.

How my dreams became reality

This past summer my dreams became a reality. I was accepted to work as a counselor at the Wilds of New England. Simply put, this last summer was the greatest summer of my life so far. Not only was it a blast to hang out with the teens every week and minister to them, but also the Lord stretched me in ways that I did not want to be stretched and taught me so many lessons through careful study of His Word and through the preaching of His Word.

The dream continues...

This coming summer I am going to have the opportunity to be the videographer at the Wilds of New England. I am so excited about all the new things that God will teach me and also for the opportunity to serve the campers behind the scenes to the glory of God. 

My passion

Now that I told you my passion for Christian camping and how I got involved hopefully you can see why this is such an important topic to me. Christian camping is a unique opportunity to break down barriers with young people and reach them with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the praise of God's glory.


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