Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Find a Good Christian Camp

What is the goal of Christian camps? 

On this blog, we have talked a lot about Christian camping and what it is like. We have also talked about why you should want to be a part of Christian camping, but we have spent very little time and the goal of Christian camping. In this post, we are going to look at five different Christian camps and what their goal is. How do you figure out what the goal of a particular camp is? You look at their mission statement. For that reason, we will look at these six different camps by looking at their mission statements.

Christian Camp and Conference Association 

CCCA is an association that seeks to provide educational resources for those involved in Christian camping and conference ministries. To learn more, check out their website here.

CCCA's mission is to proclaim the power and benefits of the Christian camp and conference experience, and to provide leaders at member organizations with ongoing encouragement, professional training and timely resources.

Ironwood Christian Camp

Ironwood Christian Camp is located in Newberry Springs, California. The Bible is the foundation for all that they do. Their entire ministry is centered around God's Word, the Bible.
Ironwood is a home missions ministry using the unique aspects of the camping ministry to reach young people for the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen families, and serve local churches. It is a place of decision in the areas of salvation, full surrender, and consistent Christian walk.

To learn more about Ironwood or register for camp, check out their website here.

Woodland Christian Camp and Retreat Center

Woodland Christian Camp and Retreat Center provides a unique and natural setting for churches to get away from the pressures of everyday life.

Exists to provide opportunities for Christian growth in a natural setting. In order to fulfill our mission, we host summer camp programs for young people and provide retreat facilities for churches, ministries and non profit groups: we also host and/or lead leadership training programs for the larger community, where Christian principles are taught and/or modeled.

Check out Woodland's website to find out more information here.

The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center

The Wilds Christian Camp and Conference Center's mission is as follows: using the unique benefits of Christian camping, we serve people by presenting the Truth of God with the love of God so lives can be changed to the glory of God.

If you want to learn more about The Wilds, check out their website here.

Northland Christian Camp and Conference Center

Northland Christian Camp and Conference Center exists to glorify God by supporting local churches and helping campers take another step spiritually.

Northland would be a great camp for you to look into. You can learn more at their website here

Summing it all up

Although each of these camps and associations has different methods to meet their goals, each has a similar goal and that is to reach young people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father. I would encourage you to check out these camps by visiting their websites. 


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